LISTEN TO BOOMTOWN RADIO! “ALL the Music That Matters for the Generation That Created Rock 'n' Roll”

These 3 men have given Baby Boomers a lifetime of laughter: Mel Brooks (92), Carl Reiner (97) and Dick Van Dyke (93).

Brooks and Reiner worked together on Sid Caesar's Your Show of Shows and as a nightclub comedy act that gave us "The 2,000 Year Old Man." Reiner then created what may be the greatest sit-com of them all, The Dick Van Dyke Show, which not only catapulted Van Dyke to stardom but was the first to feature both the home and work situations of the title character in equal portions.

Working separately, they have entertained us with movies, TV shows and theatrical productions that have been a part of our lives and our collective sense of humor. Here's hoping they are with us for many more years!

And then there was the time Lex Luthor gave Jimmy Olsen some brownies he said were laced with what he called "Purple Kryptonite" and Jimmy ate them to protect Superman...

Plagarism? Don't be silly! Imitation is... well... it was the easiest way for comic books to make a buck. These characters appear in an Archie Comics from 1960. Charles Schulz may have wanted to called his lawyers.

After the events of this past week, this may sound good...

Now that we're in the 21st Century, I'm sure we all recognize how true the view from 1952 was!

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